
The Lead Generation Marketing Conundrum - Quality or Quantity

Lead generation marketing remains a hot button with most internet marketers. After all if you don't have any Iphone 4s Game Controller prospects, you don't have a business.. Lead generation marketing can be mastered by all network marketing professionals simply by following the rule of quality over quantity. Implement this simple principle to massively improve your lead generation marketing effectiveness.The rewards of conquering lead generation marketing are not only financial, but will also improve your lifestyle, so let's cover the 3 key steps giving consideration to quality and quantity.Crystal Clear Target MarketIn today's times there's a range of many business opportunity seekers such as work from home moms who need additional income, through to professional executives who are sick of the rat race and want out. Be careful not to fall into the trap of many network marketers by trying to capture everyone with light bulbs one marketing message. It's a case of "jack of all trades, master of none". By comparison, successful network marketing entrepreneurs continuously improve their skills in lead generation marketing by focusing and learning everything about the target market they have already identified. When selecting your ideal target market, consider your personality, hobbies, background, what attracts you to people and your level of confidence when speaking to particular people.Attraction Sponsoring The next step is to draw your ideal prospect to you, rather than put energy into sourcing the masses. Attraction marketing focuses on targeting prospects that share similarities according to those you identified when defining your target market. For example, we'll assume you were previously an executive who traded corporate success for more time with your family and to live your passion for travel. In your target market you may choose to include professional entrepreneurs looking to quit the rat race, women executives seeking more quality family time and people who have a zest for traveling the world. Prospects you can consider ignoring are full-time moms who want extra cash, students seeking additional income and pensioners who want to subsidize their pension funds. These prospects may be great, but since you have little in common you may find it difficult to relate to them. The beauty of attraction sponsoring is that you are dealing with like-minded individuals which promotes authentic relationship building and shared respect. Adopting this strategy increases your success in sponsoring people into your business and reduces your prospecting time. Instead of speaking to 100 prospects and getting 3 sign ups, you may now only speak to 25 people and still get 3 partners, but with far less time and effort. This is quality over quantity in action!Lead Generation Marketing SystemThe last step is to actually source your ideal prospect. An effective way to achieve this is to implement a lead generation marketing system that personalizes your marketing message according to your target market. Many network marketers fall into the trap of a "one to many" marketing approach - one marketing message to reach many people. This can be expensive and waste a lot of time when prospecting. By matching your marketing message specifically to your target market, you will naturally achieve quality over quantity. Furthermore, the website you send each of these prospects to also differs, to the point that you are addressing their different emotions. Selecting a lead generation marketing system that simplifies this process allows you to spend more time on the activities that generate you income - talking to qualified leads. Follow this one principle and increase the speed at which you master lead generation marketing.In summary the quality over quantity approach requires you to define your target market and aim your marketing message to them directly using the features of a top lead generation marketing system. The result is focused attention, better quality leads, higher conversion rates and true time and financial freedom.

